The Triassic Hydrocarbon Potential of the Northern Dutch Offshore
A presentation on a regional study using wells and seismic data from the northern Dutch offshore and surrounding territories indicates the presence of Triassic reservoir sandstones north of the main, well-understood fairway.
Recent studies of the source rock potential in the northern Dutch territory suggest that source rocks of different ages are present in the study area, while the presence of salt windows and Tertiary dykes allow vertical hydrocarbon migration. A study on the sealing capacity of overlying claystones and Röt salt suggests that Main Röt evaporites are present in large parts of the area. There are some indications for the presence of overpressures. Where present, these overpressures can either be viewed as an increased risk of seal breach or regarded as an opportunity. We conclude that the remaining prospectivity of the Lower Triassic in this part of the Southern Permian Basin may contain over-looked upside.